Sheahan, J, Wilson, C, Pschetz, L, Dixon, B & Vines, J 2024, 'Eliciting peoples’ networks and ecologies of care in later life', Design4Health 2024, Sheffield, United Kingdom, 25/06/24 - 27/06/24 pp. 266-269.
[Publication details] Read, J, Sim, G, Fails, JA, Boden, MA, Korte, JL, Bhatnagar, S, Borchardt, LH, Constantin, A, Wilson, C, Gavrilescu, D, Good, J, Andries, V & Eriksson, E 2024, Exploring Similarities and Differences in a set of Linked Multiple-site Design Sessions with Children. in CHI '24: Proceedings of the 2024 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems., 519, ACM, pp. 1-9, ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems 2024
, Honolulu, Hawaii, United States, 11/05/24.
[Publication details] , Honolulu, Hawaii, United States, 11/05/24.
Atabey, A, Wang, G, Johnston, SK, Lin, GC, Wilson, C, Urquhart, LD & Zhao, J 2024, The second workshop on Child-Centered AI Design (CCAI). in F Floyd Mueller & P Kyburz (eds), CHI 2024 - Extended Abstracts of the 2024 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Sytems., 492, Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems - Proceedings, Association for Computing Machinery, New York, pp. 1-6, 2024 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Sytems, CHI EA 2024, Hybrid, Honolulu, United States, 11/05/24.
[Publication details] Wilson, C, Pschetz, L, Dixon, B, Lewis, S, Revans, J & Vines, J 2024, Creating resources for designing with and for care ecologies in HCI. in A Vallgårda, L Jönsson, J Fritsch, SF Alaoui & CA le Dantec (eds), DIS'24: Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Designing Interactive Systems 2024. ACM, pp. 3161-3178.
[Publication details] Atabey, A, Wang, G, Johnston, S-K, Lin, GC, Wilson, C, Urquhart, LD & Zhao, J 2024, The second workshop on Child-Centred AI design (CCAI). in F Floyd Mueller & P Kyburz (eds), CHI '24: Proceedings of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems., 492, ACM Press, Hawaii, pp. 1-6.
[Publication details] Alhamad, K, Manches, A & McGeown, S 2024, 'Augmented reality books: In-depth insights into children’s reading engagement', Frontiers in Psychology, vol. 15, 1423163, pp. 1-12.
[Publication details] Colucci-Gray, L, Hancock, J & Manches, A 2024, “If you Really, Really, Want to Know it You Have to Touch it” - Researching the role of touch in children’s science education. in M Sardag, G Kaya & M Sogut (eds), Connecting Science Education with Cultural Heritage: Proceedings of the ESERA 2023 Conference. 1st edn, European Science Education Research Association, pp. 144-157, ESERA 2023 Conference, Turkey, 28/08/23. <>
[Publication details] Kiernan, NA, Manches, A & Seery, MK 2024, 'Resources for reasoning of chemistry concepts: Multimodal molecular geometry', Chemistry Education Research and Practice.
[Publication details] Meagher, L & Robertson, J (ed.) 2024, Policy Landscape, GenAI in Scottish schools. The Centre for Research in Digital Education, Edinburgh.
[Publication details] Ghazali-Mohammed, Z, Abaci, S & Robertson, J 2024, '‘It was building a plane as we were flying it!’ Adapting teaching through a crisis: Lessons from educational leadership staff in Higher Education', Higher Education Research and Development, vol. 43, no. 6, pp. 1292-1307.
[Publication details] 2023
Rattay, S, Collins, R, Surana, A, Lee, Y, Liu, Y, Mauri, A, Urquhart, L, Vines, J, Wilson, C, Pschetz, L, Rozendaal, M & Shklovski, I 2023, Sensing care through design: A speculative role-play approach to “Living With” sensor-supported care networks. in D Byrne, N Martelaro, A Boucher, D Chatting, S Fdili Alaoui, S Fox, I Nicenboim & C MacArthur (eds), DIS '23: Proceedings of the 2023 ACM Designing Interactive Systems Conference. ACM, pp. 1660-1675, ACM Designing Interactive Systems (2023), Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States, 10/07/23.
[Publication details] Ho, I, Mcgill, K, Malden, S, Wilson, C, Pearce, C, Kaner, E, Vines, J, Aujla, N, Lewis, S, Restocchi, V, Marshall, AD & Guthrie, B 2023, 'Examining the social networks of older adults receiving informal or formal care: a systematic review', BMC Geriatrics, vol. 23, 531.
[Publication details] Korte, J, Sim, G, Constantin, A, Eriksson, E, Fails, JA, Alexandru, CA, Read, JC & Wilson, C 2023, 'Editorial: Pushing the boundaries of Participatory Design with children', International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction, vol. 35, 100547.
[Publication details] Nisbet, P 2023, SQA Assessment Arrangements and Assistive Technologies in 2022.
[Publication details] Sowa, S, Xia, J, Smith, J & Manches, A 2023, 'Supporting children’s career aspirations under changing career conditions: A systematic review of intervention approaches', International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance.
[Publication details] Robertson, J, Abaci, S, Linklater, H & Kanwal, J 2023 'Building Teachers’ Confidence and Competence in Teaching Data Literacy through KnowledgeCreating Communities' EdArXiv.
[Publication details] Andries, V & Robertson, J 2023 '"Alexa doesn't have that many feelings": Children's understanding of AI through interactions with smart speakers in their homes' ArXiv.
[Publication details] Farrell, K, Watts, J, Robertson, J & Lawson, T 2023 'A flexible school and college level qualification in Data Science' EdArXiv.
[Publication details] Robertson, J, Amirkhanashvili, G, Abaci, S, Linklater, H & Lawson, T 2023 'Plants, volcanoes and crocodiles: learning about data literacy pedagogical practices from primary school teachers' EdArXiv.
[Publication details] Robertson, J, Farrell, K, Berg, T & Linklater, H 2023 'Computational thinking with girlguiding' EdArXiv.
[Publication details]