Dr Rory Ewins

Lecturer in Digital Education

Rory Ewins is based in the Institute for Education, Community and Society. Rory leads on the course ‘Digital education in global context’ and leads and co-tutors on ‘An introduction to digital environments for learning’. His interests include online identity and its implications for academics, the effect of university and government IT policies on academic practice, e-learning and intellectual property, and e-learning in developing countries. He writes about these and too many other subjects on his personal site.  Email:  r.ewins@ed.ac.uk

Call on: 0131 651 4789

Or write/visit here:
Room 4.12, St John's Land
The Moray House School of Education and Sport
The University of Edinburgh
Holyrood Road
Edinburgh EH8 8AQ

Related news

Launch of Centre for Research in Digital Education


The Digital Education Centre formally launched on 26th November at a party in the Scottish Storytelling Centre on the High Street, Edinburgh.

We had an excellent and well-attended night, and it was great to have so many colleagues, students and friends come and share the celebration.

We celebrated the 10-year anniversary of the MSc in Digital Education at the same time, and with graduation happening the following day, were able to welcome many of our graduands too.
