Title: Place-responsive higher education at a distance
I am a part-time PhD student at Moray House and Senior Lecturer in Distance Student Learning at the Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies working primarily with postgraduate online distance learning students. My research project is looking at support of student-community engagement activities at distance and how digital narrative methods could be used to acknowledge the presence of “place” in research.
Supervisors: Dr Jen Ross and Dr Beth Christie
Boyd, S. (2023), Solar-powered Scholarship. Postdigit Sci Educ 5, 591–594. https://doi.org/10.1007/s42438-022-00372-7
Boyd, S. (2021), Taking Time to Get Messy Outside the Online Classroom. In: Fawns, T., Aitken, G., Jones, D. (eds), Online Postgraduate Education in a Postdigital World. Postdigital Science and Education. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-77673-2_2