Recording available: Sociotechnical Imaginaries in Education

23 Aug 2023
Decorative image of a train with bird and circuit illustrations overlaid


The Centre for Research in Digital Education together with the Society for Research into Higher Education hosted the Digital University Network event 'Sociotechnical Imaginaries in Education' in April 2023. 

This seminar brought together three prominent scholars utilising the concept of sociotechnical imaginaries in their current education research. Presentations include:

Dr Jeremy Knox (University of Edinburgh, UK) 'China 'Talent Pipeline' for AI Expertise'

Dr Lina Rahm (KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm), 'Imaginaries and Problematisations: a heuristic lens in the age of artificial intelligence in education'

Dr Barbara Hof (University of Lausanne, Switzerland) 'Defuturization: how the OECD planned the computerizes future of education in the 1960s'

Watch the event recording

Society for Research into Higher Education website