Reynolds, A, Boateng, S, Akello, M, Nanyunja, S, Mulondo, A, Aterthon El-Amine, B, Gallagher, M, Cole, G & Falisse, J-B 2025, 'Connected learning as collaboration and psychosocial support: A critical reflection on a bridging programme for refugees in Uganda', Journal of Interactive Media in Education.
[Publication details] 2024
Milojevic, I 2024, 'Artificial Intelligence, water futures, and a living constitution: Using the futures triangle to envision novel futures For Thailand' Journal of Futures Studies - Perspectives. <>
[Publication details] Milojevic, I, Inayatullah, S & Hafeez, Z 2024, 'The Amazons of food or food for all: Emerging issues and scenarios' The Compass Magazine. <>
[Publication details] Milojevic, I 2024, The Hesitant Feminist’s Guide to the Future. Tamkang University Press.
[Publication details] Milojevic, I & Roth, S 2024, ADB Foresight in Action: Prospective Policy Making in Asia and the Pacific. Asian Development Bank.
[Publication details] Milojević, I 2024, Conflict transformation futures. in R Poli (ed.), Handbook of Futures Studies. Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 240-257.
[Publication details] Roth, S & Milojevic, I 2024, Building an architectural framework for anticipatory governance: A case study of the Asian Development Bank. in M Stephens, R Awamleh & F Sicre (eds), Anticipatory Governance: Shaping a Responsible Future. World Scientific Europe, Singapore, pp. 333-344.
[Publication details] Beara, M, Dubovicki, S & Milojevic, I 2024, (Not) Everything is black: University students on the future of Education in Serbia and Croatia. in P Oreški (ed.), Teaching (Today For) Tomorrow: Bridging the Gap Between the Classroom and Reality. University of Zagreb, Zgareb, Teaching (Today For) Tomorrow, Zagreb, Croatia, 26/09/24.
[Publication details] Milojević, I 2024, 'Conflicts on the rise – Is anticipatory governance a solution?', Journal of Futures Studies, vol. 29, no. 1, pp. 9-19.
[Publication details] Komljenovic, J, Sellar, S & Birch, K 2024, 'Turning universities into data-driven organisations: Seven dimensions of change', Higher Education, pp. 1-18.
[Publication details] Komljenovic, J, Birch, K & Sellar, S 2024, 'Monetising digital data in Higher Education: Analysing the strategies and struggles of EdTech startups', Postdigital Science and Education, vol. 6, no. 4, e6, pp. 1196-1215.
[Publication details] Birch, K, Komljenovic, J, Sellar, S & Hansen, M 2024, 'Data as asset, data as rent? Rentiership practices in EdTech startups', Learning, Media and Technology, pp. 1-14.
[Publication details] Komljenovic, J 2024, Where is value in digital Higher Education: From commodities to assets. in L Wang, PG Altbach & H de Wit (eds), International Dimensions and Trends in Higher Education in Troubled Times. Global Perspectives on Higher Education, vol. 055, Brill Academic Publishers, Leiden, pp. 253-256.
[Publication details] Milojevic, I 2024, Feminist Futures in Education. in The Elgar International Encyclopedia of Sociology of Education. Edward Elgar Publishing.
[Publication details] Jordan, K, Komljenovic, J & Knox, J, The SRHE digital university network: A decade of trends and future directions, 2024, Web publication/site, Society for Research into Higher Education. <>
[Publication details] Wilson, C, Pschetz, L, Dixon, B, Lewis, S, Revans, J & Vines, J 2024, Creating resources for designing with and for care ecologies in HCI. in A Vallgårda, L Jönsson, J Fritsch, SF Alaoui & CA le Dantec (eds), DIS'24: Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Designing Interactive Systems 2024. ACM, pp. 3161-3178.
[Publication details] Dias Lopes, A & Hancock, S 2024, 'International mobility after the PhD: Exploring the characteristics and early labour market outcomes of UK doctoral graduates', Higher Education, pp. 1-22.
[Publication details] Komljenovic, J, Hansen, M, Sellar, S & Birch, K 2024, Edtech in Higher Education: Empirical Findings from the Project ‘Universities and Unicorns: Building Digital Assets in the Higher Education Industry’. Centre for Global Higher Education working paper series, Centre for Global Higher Education. <>
[Publication details] Atabey, A, Wang, G, Johnston, S-K, Lin, GC, Wilson, C, Urquhart, LD & Zhao, J 2024, The second workshop on Child-Centred AI design (CCAI). in F Floyd Mueller & P Kyburz (eds), CHI '24: Proceedings of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems., 492, ACM Press, Hawaii, pp. 1-6.
[Publication details] Sheahan, J, Wilson, C, Pschetz, L, Dixon, B & Vines, J 2024, 'Eliciting peoples’ networks and ecologies of care in later life', Design4Health 2024, Sheffield, United Kingdom, 25/06/24 - 27/06/24 pp. 266-269.
[Publication details]