Title: Tensions in reflective practice - exploring the everyday reflective work of undergraduate medical students
I am a part-time PhD student, in my first year, at Moray House and an educational technologist in medical education at Queen’s University Belfast. Over recent years I have reflected informally on my personal blog, formally for professional development (Certified Membership of the Association for Learning Technology and Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy) and formally for my studies on the Digital Education programme at Edinburgh. I also have experience of assessing reflection, as a CMALT assessor and as a teacher within undergraduate medicine. Together with being a LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® facilitator, these paths have all brought me seamlessly to the topic of reflective practice for my PhD.
As I’m based outside of Edinburgh the best place to find me is on Twitter @clarethomsonqub https://twitter.com/ClareThomsonQUB or email: s9267717@ed.ac.uk
Supervisors: Dr Jen Ross and Dr Tim Fawns