Thesis Working Title: From digital exclusion to digital inclusion: A research study exploring the processes and impacts which make a difference for marginalised households.
Through an interdisciplinary ESRC-funded SGSSS Ph.D. research project, Nishat is attempting to understand the types of formal and informal support that people from various minoritised backgrounds find most useful in their journey from an experience of digital exclusion to an experience of digital inclusion. The study will aim to inform the development of a digital inclusion support model for organisations, such as People Know How, and contribute to the wider field of digital inclusion policies and practices. Hailing originally from Bangladesh, Nishat has worked as a researcher, social worker, and educator in diverse contexts in Bangladesh, Scotland, Malta, and Estonia. Her research interests encompass interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary domains of digital inclusion and AI literacy, virtual and distance education, technology-enhanced language education, and social justice education.
Supervisors: Dr. Autumn Roesch-Marsh, Professor Siân Bayne, and Dr. Jimmy Turner