Data Justice Week 20th-24th May 2019

Data Justice Week - with support from the Edinburgh Futures Institute and the Centre for Research in Digital Education

Five days of seminars, student-led discussions and public-facing events to explore the relevance of concepts associated with 'justice' and 'ethics' in the context of big data, algorithms and artificial intelligence (AI).

Bringing together colleagues from across the university, and inviting leading international researchers, this event will highlight crucial issues of bias, inequality, and injustice, increasingly amplified by the data-intensive technologies now embedded in our social institutions. The key question underpinning this week of events is whether the more established approach of defining ethical frameworks for developing data-intensive technologies can fully account for the complex, often unpredictable, justice issues that arise once they are deployed in social contexts.

Central to this event will be student participation and student-led sessions, for which we are seeking to connect with a number of social justice-related programmes across CAHSS. Event organisers: Dr Mogan Currie (Science Technology and Innovation Studies), Dr Callum McGegor (School of Education), and Dr Jeremy Knox (Edinburgh Futures Institute and Global Justice Academy Fellow).

Guest speakers: Virginia Eubanks (University of Albany), Lina Dencik (Data Justice Lab at University of Cardiff), Allison Powell (London School of Economics), Alex Wood (Oxford Internet Institute), Huw Davies (Oxford Internet Institute), Tristan Henderson (University of St Andrews), Kendra Briken (University of Strathclyde), Lilian Edwards (University of Strathclyde), Aphra Kerr (Maynooth University), Cailean Gallagher (STUC)

9:30–11:30 Data Ethics or Data Justice? (Inspace)
Jeremy Knox
Charles Raab

12:30-15:00 Fair machines: Student perspective on Data Justice and Ethics (High School Yards Teaching Centre, G.02) 
Sarah Bennet
Benedetta Catanzarini
Louisa Well
9:30–11:30 Research and Surveillance: Exploring the blurred boundaries of medical data (High School Yards Teaching Centre, G.02) 
Lukas Engelmann
Nayha Sethi
Steve Sturdy 
12:30-15:00 Education & Data Justice (Inspace)
Ben Williamson
Huw Davies
Tristan Henderson
9:30–11:30 Surveillance, Social Sorting, and Privacy (Inspace) 
Lina Dencik
Lilian Edwards
Liz McFall
12:30-15:00 Data Activism (High School Yards Teaching Centre, G.02) 
Alison Powell
Drew Hemmet
Kate Symons
Morgan Currie
9:30–11:30 Critical Takes on DDI (Bayes Centre, G3) 
Ewan Klein
Aphra Kerr
Callum McGregor
12:30-15:00 Digital Labour (High School Yards Teaching Centre, G.04) 
Karen Gregory
Alex Wood
Kendra Briken
Cailean Gallagher

16:30–18:00 EFI Seminar - Virginia Eubanks (Informatics Forum) Register here for the Virginia Eubanks seminar. 
12:30–15:00 Reading group with Virginia Eubanks (Inspace) To register for the Virginia Eubanks reading group, please contact

All events include catering and are open with no registration required unless stated.


Date of Event
Event Leader
Jeremy Knox
Research Area
Data Society