Eileen Scanlon is Regius Professor of Open Education, an award she received for her exceptional contributions to the fields of educational technology and public engagement with the sciences. Her award also reflects the exceptionally high quality of teaching and research within The Institute of Educational Technology (IET).
Eileen has a background in science communication teaching and research, and educational technology. She holds a number of senior management roles and visiting posts. She is Associate Director of Research and Innovation in the Institute of Educational Technology at the Open University, UK. As Associate Director she has institutional responsibility for developing research strategy in educational technology. She is particularly interested in journeys between formal and informal learning, and is one of the organisers of the FutureLearn academic network.
She is currently directing openTEL, http://www.open.ac.uk/research/themes/opentel, an Open University strategic research area which brings together people from across the University who are conducting research in technology enhanced learning.
More about Eileen's work is available on her OU profile page.