Dr Valentina Andries is a Postdoctoral Research at the University of Oxford.
Valentina worked with the Centre for Research in Digital Education on an-EPSRC funded project tackling the issue of biased technology design as part of collaborative research project between the Universities of Heriot Watt, Strathclyde and Edinburgh, led by Professor Judy Robertson at Moray House School of Education and Sport. The project explored school-aged children’s perceptions of conversational agents (such as Amazon's Alexa). We will be producing educational materials about Artificial Intelligence aimed at children and professional development activities for teachers.
My research interests largely lie at the intersection of education and Human-Computer Interaction (HCI): educational technology, participatory approaches, inclusive design and evaluation of technology, ethics in technology design, AI ethics.
I studied towards a PhD in Education and HCI at Moray House School of Education and Sport, where I was fortunate to be supervised by Professors Judy Robertson and Lydia Plowman. My PhD was focused on ethically designing and evaluating digital technology, aimed at supporting young children's play in a hospital setting.
Email: valentina.andries@education.ox.ac.uk