Dr David Overend

Lecturer in Interdisciplinary Studies

David Overend is a researcher in interdisciplinary education and contemporary art and performance. He is currently programme director for the MA(hons) in Interdisciplinary Futures at Edinburgh Futures Institute. As a director, David has worked for the National Theatre of Great Britain and several other theatres, and has toured internationally with award-winning productions. His books include Performance in the Field: Interdisciplinary practice-as-research (Palgrave Macmillan 2023) and Making Routes: Journeys in performance 2010-2020, co-authored with Laura Bissell (Triarchy Press 2021).

Email: david.overend@ed.ac.uk

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Dr David Overend, Lecturer in Interdisciplinary Studies, took part in the Edinburgh Festival Fringe on 16th August 2023.

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Dr David Overend will take part in the Cabaret of Dangerous ideas on 16th August 2023 with the event 'Stop being disciplined!'

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Film release

The Making Routes film, 'Deep Time and Future Pasts in Gully Cave', which was funded by the Royal Society of Edinburgh, is available to watch for the next month via the SSA website (link below).