
How is the programme assessed?

There are no examinations in the programme – each course is assessed through coursework submitted online. If you take a look at some of our course descriptors in the Courses section, you'll see that these courseworks vary in design.

We're living in an era that offers many potential routes to the dissemination of academic ideas.  In keeping with the programme's ethos, we provide opportunities for creative alternatives to the standard essay.  Some students experiment with media and modality, with different online environments, and with other challenges to traditional academic practices.   As long as they meet our assessment criteria, we are happy to see alternative approaches – though we are equally pleased to see a well-argued traditional essay.

Our Showcase of students' work highlights some of the themes and different approaches our students have taken to their work.

What qualification will I get?

Three awards are available:

  • Postgraduate Certificate – on successful completion of the 40-credit ‘Critical issues in digital education’ and one more course.
  • Postgraduate Diploma – on successful completion of the 40-credit ‘Critical issues in digital education’ and four more courses.
  • MSc – on successful completion of the 40-credit ‘Critical issues in digital education’, ‘Research methods’, three more courses and a dissertation.